Posts Tagged With: techniques

Judging by the Cover

For those of you interested in such things a new book has recently been published on Carnivore Ecology and Conservation by Luigi Boitania and Roger A. Powell (yes our very own Roger). It is full of all kinds of useful information about capturing, handling, tracking, and generally studying those lovable meat eaters that we all enjoy learning about so much. Contributions to the book being made by not only Roger but also by other folks from our project (check out chapters 9 and 13 first) as well as a number of very accomplished researchers.

I have yet to read every chapter, but have already read the chapter on home ranges and movements. A lot of very good information in there, and I assure you I’ll be reading it again. I’ll spare you all from a full blown book review any time in the future as that would probably be painful for all involved.  Yes, some might say I have a conflict of interest here since Roger is my adviser, but hey I”m not one to pull punches when I need to (can anyone tell me how many times the  word “tecs” needs to be on a cover?).

Anyway, if you have some spare cash (and I don’t) it is a worthwhile piece to add to your library.


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